Friday, December 25, 2009

Reflect, Rejoice, Renew

The theme for Christmas at The White House this year is Reflect, Rejoice, Renew. I am not a person who celebrates Christmas in a traditional sense; I am not a Christian. There are many holidays and different faith traditions that celebrate this season. As the days are short, nights are long, and the pace of life slows a bit and the end of the year in sight, it is a time to do a little bit of the three R's.

Reflecting on this year in my life has included an amazing of events--completing my second half-marathon, getting a job, losing a job, nurturing a fledgling business, nurturing a fledgling family, the loss of my grandmother, my bad health, amazing trip to Israel, lots of medical procedures, diagnosis that presents yet even more challenges, financial struggles, lots of drama (keeping things always interesting in every aspect of my life,) good friends, new friends, lovely family, knowing that I have the ability to make a difference, knowing that I am strong--that is the 2009 for me.

Well, that is the year in a nutshell. Reflecting, though, I will look closely at this series of statements, and what I have learned. Reflecting, meditating, looking back. Actually, my favorite definition of reflect is (from *to cast back light* Perhaps with reflection, we can see things in a new light, shed light on something we might not have understood, or, hopefully, enlighten and then, carry the light forward into our lives.

Rejoice is to celebrate, to feel joy, to delight. Rejoicing may not always be easy, but being aware of success--which is different for everyone, and different on any given day at any given moment--is always a reason to rejoice. Success can be taking a first step toward a goal, or completing a goal. Feeling joy is something that is easier for some than for others, but if we choose to celebrate success, no matter if it is a very large accomplishment, or something that may seem on the surface to be rather insignificant, accomplishment is in your head and in your heart. I rejoice in waking up and having a whole new day to use as I choose.

Renew, restore, recover, revive, to take up again. Using quiet time to renew goals, body, mind, spirit is always worthwhile, but at this particular time of year, I feel like I get a clean slate. Sort of. My past is part of me, and will always be part of who I am, but my future is part of me too. Future is when I can reinvent, or renew myself. However, renewal is also now. What can I (or you) do right now to begin the process of renewal?

Renewal is something else for me too. I am right here, right now, and living in this moment in time. For me, adding the the theme of Christmas at The White House, I would add another thing to celebrate--being present. Treasuring each and every moment for what it is--good, bad, sad, joyful...I must remind myself constantly to get out of my head which is always reflecting and reviewing...and just be. Renew.

So in reflecting, rejoicing, and renewing this holiday season, celebrating Chanukkah, Kwanza, Bodhi Day, Eid al-adha (which I know was in November this year,) Pancha Ganapati, Yule, Christmas, the Winter Solstice, or the New Year, I wish everyone happiness, good health, success, love, and peace.


  1. Thanks, Lisa. You have inspired me to do some reflecting, rejoycing and renewing, too! (We did a Hindu chant at the Christmas Eve service last night--the point being all the religions are asking the same questions, and celebrating the gift of being here on this earth.)

  2. I loved catching up with you and reading your blog! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. I hope that 2010 brings you much deserved peace and joy and good health. I think of you often and look forward to keeping up with you in a new way. XOXOXO
