Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Finch or Falcon?

Yesterday was the 5th anniversary of my cancer surgery. I celebrated by going to work, picking my children up from school, doing the homework, dinner, etc. thing, and then attending a lecture. It was simply, living my life. A fabulous way to celebrate being alive. I have overcome, or learned to live with multiple health challenges in my life. Mostly, I take it all in stride and keep on moving.

Monday, I visited a friend who is in the hospital. I think of her as a strong, confident and successful woman. I admire and look up to her. She is my friend, but also a person who's grace and sense of style I try to emulate. However, she has had multiple health challenges too. Seeing her in the hospital, put her in a different perspective. The image I had of her was that of a small bird who was fluttering around, trapped, and frightened. It made me wonder if that is how I appear when I am in a similar circumstance.

I remember, when I was hospitalized during the discovery of my cancer, my vision was very specific. I could actually see myself sitting on my couch enjoying being surrounded by family, enjoying Thanksgiving. I did make it, and was released from the hospital two days before the holiday. Yes, I had 32 staples running the length of my abdomen, but I was there, alive. I was physically weak and mentally strong. I knew that chemo lay ahead at that point, but I was already looking beyond.

Tonight I had a conversation with my son about goals. Setting goals, achieving goals, motivation...Are goals the difference between successful people and those who only get by in life? If you have a clear idea of where you are headed, then it follows that everything you do moves you either closer to or further from the goal. My choice is to keep moving closer, even if it is a few steps forward, followed by a few steps back.

People my think I'm unlucky, or overly challenged in life, but I don't view myself that way at all. Yes, I do have some big-time serious challenges but that is not what defines me. I am defined by my interests, my passions, what I do, and the person I choose to be--a successful one who plans to leave this world better than it was when I arrived--hopefully at some point FAR in the future. I picture myself as a strong soaring bird, free to determine my own course. I can adapt to what is thrown at me.

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