Sunday, November 29, 2009

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving weekend is dwindling. There are only a few hours remaining of what was a lovely time spent with good friends, good food, lots of laughter, and lovely children. It isn't as if those things don't go on in my life anyway, they do. However, this weekend was minimal work and maximum enjoyment and reflection.

I am so grateful for the abundance in my life. Friends, family, fun things to do, interesting things to see, and so much luxury. I'm not a financially wealthy person, but if my wealth is measured by these other things, I am one of the richest people on the face of the earth.

November draws to a close. I didn't write the Great American Novel this month, but I did start this blog. I was fired from a job, creating new opportunities. I did not get a job I really wanted, but upon reflection, I need to spend some time in reflection. It is good I didn't launch into a new full time job just now. I worked hard, teaching, organizing, doing and wrapping up my (almost) former job, struggling with my health, questioning some relationships. November was busy. And intense.

This weekend began a time of reflection for me. I plan to spend the month of December working enough to support us, myself and my children, writing as much as possible on this blog, and reflecting. I've faced challenges my whole life. All of us have to one degree or another. This weekend I am clear that it is time to reflect and see where my focus needs to be.

It seems that for the last few years, my focus has been on whatever fire is burning brightest right in front of me. I'm ready to be proactive again. I will be able to keep the fires at bay with the flow of consciousness that is beginning to form in my mind. Consciousness provides clarity and focus. What are my biggest obstacles? Fatigue, doubt, and fear. (Thanks, Suzanne!) Somehow, stating them makes them seem like smaller obstacles. Except for the fatigue.

So, as the winter solstice approaches, I'm going to use the long winter nights to do some reflecting, some focusing of my efforts, some mindfulness, and spend some time with my gratitude for all the wonderful people and things that flow through my life every day.

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